Soil Remediation


Contaminated soil is often the source of groundwater or indoor air contamination and can also be a direct source of health problems and ecological damage. If soil contamination is present due to a hazardous substance release, discovered during a property inspection, or suspected due to human or ecological symptoms, Michigan Consulting & Environmental can help! Our team of knowledgeable environmental specialists have conducted hundreds of soil remediation projects using a variety of innovative and tried techniques for remediation.

We strive to find each client the most cost-effective solution of soil remediation appropriate for the specific conditions of the site at hand. Our team designs, constructs, installs, and operates soil remediation systems including but not limited to soil vapor extraction, air sparging, conventional pump and treat, permeable reactive barriers, monitored and enhanced natural attenuation, zerovalent iron technologies, oxygen releasing compounds, direct oxidation (Fenton’s reagent and peroxide), surfactants, excavation, and bio-remediation technologies. Equipment used in the process of soil remediation is highly specialized and often site-specific. At Michigan Consulting & Environmental, we utilize a variety of specialized remedial equipment. If we discover that our existing equipment is not the ideal solution for a site, our expert engineers can design and develop a remediation system based on existing systems to find the right solution for our clients.

If you have questions about our Michigan soil remediation services or are concerned about contaminated soil on your property, contact us today.